Bidvest Bank Branch Code and Contact Details for Help

The Bidvest Bank branch code that customers can use to perform online transactions is 462005. As a bank that takes customer satisfaction seriously, there are four methods through which a customer can contact Bidvest Bank. They include by phone, e-mail, via the website, or physically visiting a branch.

Customers can contact the bank whenever they have a complaint or need guidance. They may also contact the bank if they want to leave positive feedback. Whichever the case may be, below are all the details you may need about contacting Bidvest Bank or using the branch code.

Bidvest Bank Has Just One Branch Code – 462005

Most South African banks have a branch code – a unique six-digit code used to identify each branch around the country. But memorizing individual branch codes has proven to be a difficult task, and so, to salvage this situation, banks now have a universal branch code that can serve all branches.

Bidvest Bank

But Bidvest Bank is different in the sense that it has just one branch code with which customers can perform their online transactions. The Bidvest Bank code is also available on their website and getting this code directly from there is pretty simple. Follow the steps below as we walk you through how to go about it.

  • Visit the Bidvest Bank official website.
  • Scroll down the home page.
  • Under ‘Contact Us’, select Queries, Compliments, and Complaints
  • You will be redirected to a page where you can find the Bidvest branch code, as well as other codes like the swift code and Reuters code.

There Are Four Effective Methods Of Contacting Bidvest Customer Care

Contacting Bidvest customer care is so easy because they have made it possible for you to use any of these four methods:

  • Phone lines
  • Email
  • Website
  • Visiting a branch

How To Contact Bidvest Customer Service Via Their Phone Lines

Reaching Bidvest customer service via their customer care lines is one of the easiest and fastest methods, seeing that you are more likely to receive a response to your complaints or queries almost immediately after talking to the customer care agent.

Bidvest Bank

If you are anywhere around South Africa, you can easily put a call through by dialing 0860 11 1177 on your mobile phone. Another thing that makes this method very easy is that it can be done with or without a smartphone. If you are calling from anywhere outside South Africa then the number to dial is +2711 407 3103. And for fleet finance and management, dial 0860 102 499. To reach the virtual branch, simply call 0860 018 015.

You Can Also Contact Bidvest Bank Via Email

Another method of contacting Bidvest Bank is via email. This method is also very easy but the challenge is that you will need a smartphone and an active data bundle. If you don’t have access to a smartphone, you can visit an internet café where you may have to pay some money.

Another thing about contacting the Bidvest Bank through email is that you may have to wait a while before you get a response and if you don’t have a smartphone, that will mean visiting a café daily to check your email account for their reply.

You can send an email to Bidvest Bank by sending your complaints, queries, or compliments to: [email protected]. To reach their virtual bank, send your mail to [email protected].

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Sending Your Queries, Complaints, and Compliments To Bidvest Bank Via Their Website

Bidvest Bank

You can also send your queries or complaints to Bidvest Bank directly from their website – and this would take less than a minute. However, just like sending an email, this method requires that you have access to the internet and you will also have to wait for a response. Here is now to send feedback via the Bidvest Bank website:

  • Visit the official Bidvest bank website
  • Scroll down the home page
  • Select Queries, Compliments, and Complaints
  • Scroll down the page until you see a short form
  • Select the type of query
  • Chose a region
  • Enter your name
  • Input your surname
  • Enter your contact details
  • Provide your email address
  • Enter your query
  • Click on the blue ‘Submit’ button
  • You will see a green notification showing that your query was received
  • Wait until you receive a response or check later

You Can Also Contact Bidvest Bank By Visiting A Branch

Bidvest Bank

Even though phones and the internet have made it easier for us to contact anybody as long as they are also online and have a cellphone number, not everyone prefers these methods. There is also the case where the methods described above (through email and website) may have failed to adequately proffer the solution you need. To address this, visiting a branch of the Bidvest Bank is most often one of the surest ways to solve your queries.

Also, there are certain issues that require that you visit a Bidvest Bank branch such as picking up your ATM card or checkbook, taking a loan, and so many others. You should know that Bidvest Bank has professional customer service agents who will be ready to receive you. Here is a detailed list of the branches in South Africa you can visit.

Area Location
Johannesburg Corporate Head Office 1 Park Lane, Wierda Valley, Sandton 2196, South Africa
KwaZulu Natal Corporate Head Office 2nd Floor, Lincoln on the Lake, 2 The High Street, Parkside, Umhlanga Ridge, 4319, South Africa
Western Cape Corporate Head Office 6th Floor, 33 Martin Hammerschlag Way, Foreshore, Cape Town, South Africa

You can also send your queries to the Johannesburg Corporate Head Office using the Post Office: P O Box 185 Johannesburg 2000 South Africa.

How Do I Contact Bidvest Bank If I Lost My Bank Card?


In a situation where you have misplaced your Bidvest Bank card, it is important that you reach the bank as soon as possible and this is why Bidvest Bank has designated specific numbers for those in such a situation to call.

If the card you have lost is your world currency card, then place a call using the international number +27 11 407 3103. This is also the number to call If you have to reach Bidvest Bank from anywhere outside South Africa for any reason.

If you lost your Bidvest Bank Account™ Card or South African Rand Currency Card and you are in the country, then call 0860 11 11 77. Bidvest advises that you keep this contact number handy as it is very important to report cases of lost or stolen ATM cards as fast as you can to avoid fraudulent activities on your account.

If you wish to opt-out from receiving marketing communication updates from Bidvest Bank, 0860 11 11 77 is still the number to call.

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Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo's secret talent is taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary content. At work, he is thinking about how best to provide the most unique, original content that provides utmost satisfaction to the user. Away from work, he is a football addict who loves to catch up on his favorite pastimes


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