How To Check Vehicle Registration Status Online in South Africa

To avoid the stress of trying to register a vehicle that cannot be registered, you can check the current registration status of the vehicle online. This is possible with the help of online platforms like FirstCheck and Vehicle Check.

When you purchase a new vehicle in South Africa, you must register the vehicle within 21 days from the day of acquisition. This is mandatory for both second-hand vehicles and new vehicles. However, if the vehicle you have purchased was stolen, or has a questionable history of any sort, the registration process will not pull through. As you continue to read, we will walk you through the process of how to check vehicle registration status online in South Africa.

Can I Check Vehicle Registration Status Online In South Africa?

Yes, it is possible to check the current registration status of a vehicle online in South Africa. The process is very easy and can be completed with a smartphone and from the comfort of your home.

However, to successfully complete the process, you will require a smartphone or device and available data bundles. You will also need a credit card that allows you to perform transactions online.

Vehicle Registration Number Lookup

Vehicle Registration Status Online South Africa

Before purchasing a new vehicle, it is important for you to run this online vehicle registration status check as it not only provides details about the car’s ownership but also lets you in on the working condition of the vehicle. Here are the different ways you can check a vehicle’s registration status online in South Africa:

You Can Check Your Vehicle Registration Status Using Vehicle Check

Vehicle Check helps an intending vehicle buyer access information about the car’s history. It provides information about police interest in the vehicle, outstanding finance on the vehicle, and arrears or penalties that are overdue on the vehicle.

With the information Vehicle Check provides, you can know if the vehicle was stolen or not, this way, you can avoid being defrauded. It is advised that if the information you get from Vehicle Check reveals that the check has a questionable history, you should not purchase it. Here is how to run a vehicle registration check using Vehicle Check:

  • Visit the official website of Vehicle Check
  • Click on the menu bar at the top left corner of the page
  • Tap on ‘Home’
  • Enter the VIN or Vehicle license plate number of the vehicle
  • Enter your email address
  • Click on the ‘Start’ button
  • Enter your credit card details
  • Proceed to make payment
  • Once your payment is successful, the report download will begin automatically
  • A copy of the report will be mailed to you

You should know that it is advisable to use VIN instead of the vehicle license plate number because the license plate number can change from time to time. Here are some of the information you can get after running a registration status check using Vehicle Check:

  • Model type
  • Financial history
  • Warranty start date
  • Body type
  • Intro year
  • Mileage history
  • Accident indicator
  • Registration number
  • Fuel type
  • Engine number
  • Body shape
  • Police stolen intrest
  • Engine Size
  • Colour
  • Transmission type
  • VIN number
  • Manufacturer

Vehicle Check also provides details about the working condition of the vehicle. Some of the information it contains include:

  • Fuel consumption
  • Torque
  • CO2 Emissions
  • Power
  • Aspiration

Please note that Vehicle Check provides information about passenger vehicles only. However, they may also provide limited information about commercial vehicles, motorcycles, and trailers. In most cases, reports about these vehicles are incomplete.

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How To Apply For US Visa From South Africa

How Much Does It Cost To Check Vehicle Registration Using Vehicle Check?

Vehicle Check charges R99 for a vehicle check report. You will not be debited until the availability of the report is confirmed.

Vehicle Registration Status Online South Africa

If you notice that the report mailed to you is not accurate and you have already been debited, send a mail containing your VIN number, registration number, a copy of the report, and complaints to [email protected]

You Can Check Vehicle Registration Status Online In South Africa Using FirstCheck

FirstCheck is another platform you can use to check the status of a vehicle before buying it. This platform is said to have a direct link with the South African police database. FirstCheck provides details about the vehicle’s ownership history, police stolen interest, and working condition of the vehicle.

One of the major advantages of using FirstCheck is that it gives insight into the current market valuation of the vehicle you are about to purchase. With this information, you can make a good bargain with the vendor. Here is how to make use of FirstCheck:

  • Visit the official FirstCheck website
  • Click on the menu bar located at the top left corner
  • Tap on ‘Home’
  • Enter the VIN number or registration number
  • Click on ‘Get Report’
  • Follow the prompts to complete the process

If you do not have the vehicle’s VIN or registration number, scan the license disk plate. Please note that if you enter the VIN number, there is a 92% chance that you will get a vehicle that matches your vehicle, but with the registration status, you have just a 72% chance of getting useful information.

When you run a check using FirstCheck, the VIN and engine number you provide will be matched with the manufacturer’s database. The result provided will be based on the match. After the check is complete, you will receive one of the following confirmatory results:

  • Match: This means FirstCheck has a record of the vehicle in its database.
  • Partial Match: This means the available record may or may not be for the vehicle in question
  • No Match: This means FirstCheck does not have a record of the car on their database

Here are some of the information you can get from FirstCheck:

  • Car information verification details
  • Finance Information
  • Financial obligations listed under the car
  • Stolen interest information
  • Microdot
  • Registration number history
  • Car history
  • Last three inquiries made about the vehicle
  • Mileage history
  • Last three recorded kilometer reading

Vehicle Registration Status Online South Africa

Please note that FirstCheck provides information for the following type of vehicles:

  • Passenger vehicles
  • Motorcycles
  • Medium and heavy commercial vehicles
  • Light commercial vehicles

How Much Does It Cost To Check Vehicle Registration Using FirstCheck?

The cost for running a vehicle check with FirstCheck depends on the information you are willing to purchase.

Car Value Report (Valuation) reports cost R19 for one report or R150 for 12 reports delivered monthly. For Car Check Report (Verification), you will have to pay R99 for one report and your personal credit score cost R19.

Can You Do A Free Vehicle Registration Check in South Africa?

No, a vehicle registration check in South Africa comes at a cost. However, if you are so sure that the car you intend to purchase does not have a questionable history, you can proceed with buying and registering it with eNatis. However, The essence of running a registration check is to avoid wasting money and time on buying a car with a questionable history.

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Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo's secret talent is taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary content. At work, he is thinking about how best to provide the most unique, original content that provides utmost satisfaction to the user. Away from work, he is a football addict who loves to catch up on his favorite pastimes


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