10 Types Of Neighbours Every South African Would Love To Have

Neighbours are not just people who live next door to us, they are people we share a lot of things with and who have a lot of things in common with us. Sometimes, neighbours are the people we rely on most even though they are not blood relations and may not be the best kind of people.

Neighbours are life savers and everyone loves good neighbours who smile whenever you greet them, who don’t talk behind you to the next person who will listen and who can come to your rescue in times of need.

Beyond the friendliness, neighbours are people whose disposition can affect us and people who most times we find ourselves trying to emulate or please, so it’s important to have good neighbours who we can be proud to emulate, talk about and run to in times of need. And in that regard, we have come up with a list of the kinds of neighbours that every South African would love to have.

10 Types Of Neighbors You Should Have

1. The Handy Plumber


A plumber is a person who specializes in installing and maintaining systems used for potable (drinking) water, sewage, and drainage in plumbing systems. Since plumbing issues are like the most common problems that can happen in a home, what better neighbour to have than one who you can constantly call on when you can’t understand why you sink is not cooperating in the usual manner. But because issues with water, sewage and drainage can be quite consistent once it starts, you have to be careful not to overdo the needy neighbour act so that you don’t end up taking advantage of the poor plumber guy. Or worse, he begins to avoid you.

2. The Cute Electrician


An electrician is a tradesperson specializing in electrical wiring of buildings, stationary machines and related equipment. Electricians may be employed in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure. Electricians may also specialize in wiring ships, aeroplanes, and other mobile platforms, as well as data and cable. These set of people are most handy when your TV set develops an issue, or a light bulb suddenly goes off at night and you really can’t wait till daybreak to fix it.

3. The Fancy Doctor


A Doctor is a professional who practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. Doctor neighbour seems to be one of the most important kinds of neighbours everyone would love to have. There is no better feeling than knowing that you would not need to do the long journey to the hospital when you have a fever, headache or when your child is not eating well. All you would need to do is walk over to the next house and knock on the door.

4. The Strong Builder

080719-N-9623R-008 FALLUJAH, Iraq (July 19, 2008) Builder 2nd Class Thomas, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 17, modifies gussets on a South Western Asia (SWA) hut foundation. The foundation is a unique design created by NMCB-17 builders consisting of 4x4s and 25 load-bearing post versus standard SWA hut 15 post construction. NMCB-17, also known as the "Desert Battalion," is deployed to Iraq and other areas of operations supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kenneth W. Robinson/Released)

A builder can be handy with a lot of things, from constructing a good nursery to building your outdoor swing. For little repairs that might be beyond your carpenter, the builder would know precisely what to do about it. And in case you want to build something from scratch, your builder would be a neighbour you can relate to, who knows you very well and understands what you would prefer.

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5. The Mobile Mechanic


A mechanic is a person who specializes in using tools to repair machinery. These types of machinery could include cars, refrigerators, bicycles, boilers, air conditioners and other home or office appliances that may need service or repair. Everyone would certainly love to have a hunky neighbor who does not mind going down to check your car early in the morning when you have a meeting at 7 am and your car just won’t wake up from sleep or when your air conditioner suddenly coughs and dies just when you are about to settle in and take a much-deserved rest.

6. The Intelligent Carpenter


Carpenters used to be one of the most disrespected people, but recently, almost everyone now agrees on how important they are in our daily lives. Every housewife needs a carpenter close by, either to fix a bookshelf or to construct a cupboard or to repair a loose railing or to fix a floorboard. It is needless to say that carpenters are indispensable in our daily lives.

7. The Handsome Police officer

Police oFFICER

With the ever-increasing rate of crime in the society, one would certainly sleep better knowing that there is a police person next door that is ready to leap out of bed and to your door if you have a whimper in your sleep. Having a police neighbour has a double advantage because criminals will think twice before coming to rob a house on a street where a police person lives.

8. The Hot Gardener

bryan hawn ellen gardener

Gardens make our homes more beautiful, but it is not everyone who knows how to plant a garden and how to take care of it every day so that it grows the way we want and keeps our homes as beautiful as we want it to look. This does not mean it is okay to bug our gardener neighbors all the time or expect them to come do our gardening work for us free of charge, but at least, they can give us tips and advice on how to take better care of the plants and they use their expert eyes once in a while to judge if the plants are doing okay.

9. The Pretty Nurse

friendly young nurse talking to senior patient

Who is kinder and more caring than a nurse. She understands how you have the need to report every little injury and how you need advice for even the food you should eat or give to your children. Having a nurse neighbour can be the best thing for a woman who has kids. Unlike the doctor that does not have time for your constant reports, a nurse will look out for the kids and use an expert eye to know when you need her to do diagnosis without your having to ask.

10. The Computer Wizard


It’s the 21st century and our computers are one of the most important appliances in the home. Most people these days cannot function well when their computers are not connected to the internet or are having a problem. A computer tech neighbour is all the buzz because it means you won’t have to move your computer to find out what is wrong with it, all you need do is give your tech neighbour a well-prepared pie, and he/she would willingly take a closer look for you.

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Linda Chris
Linda Chris
Linda's technical expertise, quick thinking, and critical evaluations ensure everyone is on the same page. You'll often find her labouring over publishing the most grammatically correct version of a piece of article. To unwind, She enjoys reading a book, scribbling something creative or just getting a beauty sleep. Outside all of that, you'll find her glued to a food channel


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