Top 5 Most Terrific Road Accidents In South Africa

It’s high time we talked about this. What exactly is the cause of the senselessness on South Africa’s roads? Why are there so many clowns eager to get killed on our roads?

Yes, South Africa sucks but why not just speed to your grave alone than implicate others? What’s up with all these huge trucks everywhere on our roads?

Isn’t it past time to create an alternative and exclusive roads for all those scary intimating and annoying big trucks?

Like me, I bet all road users can testify to the atrocities on our roads ranging from certain stupid behaviours of some motorists to a large number of sick vehicles recklessly driven by unlicensed and uninsured drivers.

Thanks to all those mayhem as expressed above. Road accidents are no longer unexpected happenings in South Africa. The craziness on our roads assures every road user to expect the unexpected.

A lunatic on steering can decide to dare the devil with you on a highway just as a drunk truck driver can ram you off a bridge.

Before you take a look at some of the super crazy and terrific road accidents in South Africa. Here are equally some super crazy and terrific facts about road accidents in the country:

1. Ashraf Ismail, spokesperson of Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), once told us that “40 people die on our roads per day.” Do the calculations yourself. If 40 people die each day on our road, how many do die in a year?

2. Likewise, Dipuo Peters, the Transport Minister told us that during a festive season in 1st of December to 7th of January, there were 1 147 crashes nationally where 1376 people died.

3. The International Transport Forum’s (ITF) ranked South Africa the worst, out of 36 others, when it came to the number of road fatalities.

4. According to them (ITF) the high levels of road accidents cost the South African economy more than R300-billion each year.

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5. In 2017, South Africa was ranked the worst African country in the global study on road safety.

6. There are only 11 million licensed drivers in South Africa.


See Also: 20 Bizarre Car Accident Photos and Videos That We Can’t Just Explain

Now, check out these South Africa’s horrific road accidents videos.

1. Flying Bus

How exactly did that get to happen? Where was the driver speeding to? Obviously, this video indicates that pedestrians are gravely endangered on our roads.

2. Western Cape Mountainside Crash

The double-decker bus crashed in a mountainside in Western Cape killing 24 people, including two children who were returning from a church service. This location is one of the Western Cape’s most dangerous route that has recorded accidents that are really tragic.

3. Moloto Road Collision

Moloto Road is one of South Africa’s deadliest roads with accidents that claimed a lot of lives like the one shown above.

4. Pinetown Crash

What was your reaction to the video above? I bet you’ve always imagined scenes like that as exclusive to movie scripts. Perhaps it’s our road that inspires those movies. That crazy accident killed 27 people.

5. Alberton’s Crash

As reported, a truck lost control due to mechanical failure and crashed into a static traffic jam. Over 40 cars were involved in the incident.

Mind you, this is not a reminder of our grieves but a call to re-position our traffic operations. Strict laws should not only be made for traffic defaulters but should as well be strictly enforced. Let all the stupid drivers on our road pay for their stupidity.

Notable causes of road accidents in South Africa

  • Lawless on the side of drivers.
  • Overspeeding.
  • Driving under the influence of liquor.
  • Jumping the red traffic signal
  • Most drivers and their passengers don’t wear seatbelts.
  • Many drivers parade vehicles that are not roadworthy.
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Nedu Raymond
Nedu Raymond
An advocate of closed-back headphones, horror movies, and dark humor; Raymond believes Peter Griffin and Stan Smith should be real people. Outside of having to write, edit, and work on other forms of content, he may keep up with the EPL or listen to everything Eminem and Jon Bellion.


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