While in South Africa there are many cases of people doing very crazy things, there aren’t many cases of parents who have killed their children either by flogging or through other means. Or maybe the media hasn’t covered much of those.
Nevertheless, around the world, such cases are many. These include parents who have killed their children for very simple things as bedwetting.
One thing to consider is that while most of these cases happen accidentally, sometimes they are very avoidable. There are some that you just can’t explain, as it was with Marvin Gaye, who was killed by his father. And sometimes, it is sheerly out of the evil in the hearts of men.
BuzzsouthAfrica takes a look at cases of parents who have killed their children:
Man uses daughter to beat Girlfriend
This happened here in South Africa when a 32-year-old Alexander Forba snatched his infant from his girlfriend and used the baby to beat the latter. His anger was that he didn’t believe that the 3-day old child was his.
The Cameroon national held the legs of the baby and used her in beating his partner before throwing the baby to the floor as he continued beating his partner.
The baby was announced dead on arrival at the hospital after the intervention of some people, while Forba was charged with murder and assault.
Mother kills 4 children
Somewhere in San Diego, sometime in 1997, a 33-year-old woman, Susan Diane Eubanks, did something crazily unthinkable.
Having suffered marital problems, violence, and debt, Susan Diane Eubanks decided she needed to hit back at her husband from whom she was divorced. She decided the best way to do it was to end five lives; those of her four sons and hers.
She shot the four boys on their heads, and herself in the abdomen. While the boys didn’t survive, she was found still alive in the home she shared with her boyfriend who at the time of the crazy crime was not home.
Eubanks was later found guilty of her crime and was sentenced to death.
Killed for not learning to read Quran
Maybe Sara Ege meant well when she wanted her son to learn Qur’an by heart. The problem was that when the 7-year-old boy wasn’t doing well, she decided to beat him up in disappointment. This was even when it was revealed that the mother, 33 years old, treated the small boy as a dog when she tried to teach him.
Things, however, went out of hand when the child collapsed and died after his mother gave him savage beating on his hands and body.
To hide her deed, Ege used barbecue lighting gel on the boy’s body as she tried to burn him up. It actually worked for her at first, when it was thought by emergency services that the boy died by fire. This remained until a postmortem revealed the child had died before his body was set on fire, and he had had injuries that lasted 3 months before his death as a result of severe punishment.
Timothy Jones: Five children killed
It was in 2014 that a South Carolina man, 34, mercilessly killed five of his own kids. Timothy Jones was said to have picked the kids whose ages were between 1 and 8 from daycare before deciding to do the unthinkable.
While he strangled four of the children, he allegedly beat the fifth to death. After killing the kids, Jones got the bodies into a plastic bag and drove for days before he finally dumped them in a shallow ditch.
A former Navy man, Jones had a history of drug abuse and crime before his divorce to the children’s mother, Amber Jones whom he married when she was 19 years old.
13-year-old son beaten to death for farting at the dinner table
Obviously, a 48-year-old Zimbabwean, Solomon Musavengana, deemed it fit to attack his son for farting on the dinner table.
Munyaranzi Musavengana who was 13, couldn’t hold his bowel when the family was having its dinner, as such he farted. While in anger the mother seized his fair of the food from him, the boy got up to run in fear of what would come from his father, but he fell down.
This gave the father the opportunity to hold the boy down and flog life out of him (literally) with a whip made from rhinoceros hide.
While some were of the opinion that the boy lost his life as a result of the beating, it was reported that as he fell, he hit his head on a stone, as such that might have caused the death.
A man hangs 11-month-old daughter
Of all the parents that have killed their children, this happens to be very barbaric, and it is not as though others are not, a 20-year-old man identified as Wuttisan Wongtalay, was seen in a goose giving video sitting calmly on the ground with his little daughter as he tied a rope around her neck.
Then he killed the girl. After that, he killed himself. And his reason for ending the life of his little girl was that his partner was cheating!
Father and Step-mother kill 3-year-old
A very cold man and his wife were arrested after it emerged that the couple killed the man’s daughter who was only 3 years old.
The sad event which happened in the north of Rio saw 21-year-old Luiz Carlos Silva Santos, and 19-year-old Ynara de Souza Dionísio, who was the girl’s stepmother claiming that the girl fell off while sleeping. Nevertheless, on interrogation, as they wanted fleeing off, it was found that the girl had bruises on her body which could be from beating.
The child was unconscious when she was found, and before she could be taken to the hospital, she died. The couple who showed no emotions after the death of the girl later confessed to beating the child to death.
Marvin Gaye
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Well, the sad tale of parents who had killed their children wouldn’t be complete leaving out Marvin Gaye.
The successful singer lost his life a day to his 45th birthday in the hands of his father, after the two had a disagreement because the father was shouting at his mother.
Gaye Snr, had before that day, threatened that if his son ever laid his hands on him, he was going to kill him. And that was exactly what happened. The Jr Gaye hit, kicked, and pushed his father out of his bedroom for shouting at his mother.
Walking back to his own room, the elder Gaye returned with a Gun that was given to him by his son, who was afraid his father might be attacked, just as he was always scared he too would be attacked. The senior Gaye aimed at his son’s heart and pulled the trigger, ending the singer’s life, something the singer had wanted.
He was quoted as saying: “I got what I wanted… I couldn’t do it myself, so I had him do it… it’s good, I ran my race, there’s no more left in me.”