How to Take Advantage of SABC TV Licence Pensioners Discount As Against The Actual TV Licence Cost

The SABC TV licence pensioners discount offers eligible pensioners the opportunity to enjoy a subsidized TV licence fee, unlike other citizens in the country. To qualify for this discount, you need to fall into any of these options: if you are disabled or a recipient of the government’s social grants.

If you still receive your pension from the government, the concessionary TV licence is definitely not for you. You would have to fully pay for your TV licence if you are a first-time applicant and then spread the amount through the year after your first full payment. The SABC TV licence pensioners discount is not mechanized. Here are what you need to do to take advantage of the package.

The Following Requirements Must Be Met To Take Advantage Of The SABC TV Licence Pensioners Discount

  • You will have to obtain the SABC TV license pensioner discount form from the nearest SABC office.
  • Carefully fill the form and submit it.
  • Once you satisfy the condition of being either a recipient of the government’s social grant, a war veteran, a disabled person, or above 70 years, you would be required to pay the full annual fee of R74.00.
  • You will then receive a discount from the corporation after payment.

The Following Documents Must Also Be Provided To The Corporation For The Discount To Be Effected

  • Proof of your physical address and postal address
  • Valid contact numbers
  • Valid proof of identity; this could be a passport or National ID.
  • You need to submit the letter you received from the Department of Social Development if you are a recipient of the social grant from the government. The letter is expected to clearly state the exact date you started receiving grants from the State.
  • For pensioners who are above 70 years, the corporation would need a certified affidavit from them. This can be a duly completed solemn/sworn statement authenticating your living condition.

Not Everyone Is Eligible For A Free TV Licence

Inasmuch as most people would be excited to see the SABC authorize a free TV licence for their TV set, the corporation only extends this gesture to a particular set of people. They include those pensioners who receive social grants from the state, people who have crossed 70 years, war veterans, as well as people who are disabled.

The aforementioned set of people enjoy discounted rates on their television licence, according to the regulations of the South African Broadcasting Corporation. People who do not belong to this category pay for their TV licence fully every year to the public broadcaster.

Do Pensioners Pay For TV License And How Much Do They Pay?

Yes. Pensioners pay for TV a license, but if you are a recipient of the state’s social grant, you can enjoy SABC’s concessionary TV license, which allows you to an amount lower than the standard fee. Pensioners who can also benefit from this are those who are more than 70 years old, and those who are disabled.

While the standard annual rate of the SABC TV licence is R265.00, pensioners pay just R74.00 in a year, because of the concessionary TV license. Beneficiaries are, however, expected to pay the lump sum money per annum.

SABC TV Licence Pensioners Discount
image source

Information on how the SABC TV license pensioner discount exactly came about is not public knowledge. However, it is generally believed that the corporation came up with the discount arrangement to assist people on social welfare, those who are not physically fit to make a substantial income that could cover for a full licence payment, and those who are old and have little money in their pockets.

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Beneficiaries Of The SABC TV Licence Pensioners Discount Must Have The Following In Mind

  • You will be allowed to enjoy the discount only if your partner has not submitted an affidavit to the SABC. If he or she has done so, you won’t be allowed to benefit from the discount as both of you cannot hold authorization.
  • You would also be allowed to partake in the discount if you are using the address of your permanent residence, where your TV set is being used. If you have an additional house (s), you would be required to fully pay for your TV licence.
  • If you share a home with a family, you would be allowed to hold authorization only if the family has a valid TV licence.
  • Beneficiaries with one property only need one TV Licence to cover every device at their permanent or documented place of residence. However, they may need an additional licence if they have more than one property. 

As gathered, the SABC is majorly funded through the money they make from advertisements and partly from TV license fees. If you are an applicant, here are some important tips you need to know about the SABC TV licence.

  • Your TV licence fee will cost a total of R265.00 per year. You must make a one-time payment for it if you are a first-time applicant. After the first payment, you are allowed to pay monthly for your licence. This will cost you R28.00.
  • SABC accepts various means of payment for TV licenses. You can pay online using your credit card or through your bank website. Applicants can also move to the Easypay website and pay for their TV licence.
  • TV licence holders are expected to renew their licence at the appropriate time as failure to do will attract a penalty of 10% a month to a maximum of %100 per annum.
How To Check Your TV Licence Balance 

Checking your TV licence requires little or no effort as the corporation has made it very easy for beneficiaries. Below are the methods through which you can easily find out the balance of your licence and other things.

1. Payment card method: You can take a look at your balance and payment by simply signing into your payment card.
2. Enquiry service: This service can be maximized at any time of the day. It is a 24-hour automated platform. Simply dial 0300 555 0286 to get started.
3. Text: With your cellphone, simply text INFO along with your Customer Number (eg: INFO 123456789) to 64488.
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