How To Submit SASSA Online Application And The Contact Details For Help

Just like most charities and goodwill foundations would usually provide grants and relief items to the less privileged or disadvantaged people in society, the South African government also gives grants to different categories of people who need them through the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). This is not a case where the government just shares items or money randomly without keeping track of how much goes to who and if that person is truly deserving of the palliative. No, the South Africa government keeps a proper record and ensures that the monies or relief items get to the right hands and are properly utilized.

In this regard, the SASSA plays the role of enforcer and regulator in a bid to keep proper data of grant beneficiaries and to ensure that the grants go to people who truly need them. This brings us to the obvious question of how to apply for the SASSA grants, does it involve an online application, what are the requirements, and which category of people are eligible to get the grant? Thankfully, the government has been able to take advantage of technology to make it easier for applicants to apply and track the entire process. Here is all you need to know.

What Is The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) All About?

According to World Bank data, 30.3 million people in South Africa are living in poverty at the upper poverty line while about 13.8 million South Africans are experiencing food shortages. The statistics, when compared to the total population, reveals the sad fact that more than half of the people living in South Africa are struggling to put food on the table. The present national poverty outlook makes a mockery of the gains recorded in the country just after it achieved freedom from apartheid rule. In the years following 1994, the trajectory of poverty reduction in the country was rising and meaningful progress was achieved. However, that progress began to see a decline between 2011 and 2015.

Having made the above description, the fact that over half of the adults living in the country are struggling to get by economically is certainly not a good statistic for the South African government, and so, every administration that comes to power tries to launch a program that is aimed at reversing the national poverty trajectory.

One of the agencies which the South African government has created and empowered to tackle the issue of poverty and also drastically improve the living standard in the country is the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). The agency which was created in 2005 is a subsidiary of the South African Department of Social Development (DSD). The aim of creating SASSA was to help the government provide aid in form of grants and relief items to members of the population who need it the most.

Since 2005, this agency has focused on providing economic and financial succor to South African citizens and residents as a way of assisting them to move up above the poverty line. The SASSA allows citizens and residents in South Africa to apply for government grants and in the time past, the application process was not an easy process and all aspiring beneficiaries would have to troop to the SASSA office closest to them in order to complete their application. However, the agency has improved on its services by adopting other application methods that would make it easier for interested citizens and residents to process their applications without much stress.

What You Should Know About The SASSA Grant Online Application

As mentioned before, since the establishment of the SASSA in 2005, applicants have had to visit a SASSA office and stand in long queues to apply for a grant. But in 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world and people had to stay at home due to the strict government protocols on movement, clustered gatherings, and social distancing, the SASSA had to come up with a way to make SASSA grant online application a reality as suspending applications altogether was obviously not a good idea at a time when people needed financial assistance and palliatives the most as a result of the pandemic.

SASSA Online Application
SASSA Online Application

The South African government launched online application methods in order to eliminate the option of coming out to cluster in queues at the SASSA offices to process grant applications. By extension, it was also implemented as a COVID-19 prevention measure to ensure the safety of South Africans at a time when the virus was ravaging the country.

Be that as it may, the online application as it is currently designed has its limitations as it did not cover all categories of grants. Only those applying for Child Support, Foster Child, and Older Person grants can make use of the online application format. Applicants interested in other categories of grants still have to visit a SASSA office.

To apply for those SASSA grant categories which are available online, follow the steps below:

  • Visit SASSA eforms
  • Tap on ‘Apply for a Grant’ at the yellow left comer of the page
  • A drop-down menu showing you the different grants you can apply for online will be displayed
  • Select the grant you wish to apply for
  • You will be required to create an account first if you do not have one or log in if you already have an account
  • If you have an account, enter your email address and password, and then you can proceed with filling the grant application form
  • If you do not have an account already, proceed to create one by clicking on the blue ‘Register’ text at the top right corner
  • A form will be displayed for you to fill
  • Enter your citizenship type, ID type, ID number, surname, name, email address, and then create a password
  • Immediately you have completed the form, click on ‘Save’.
  • After creating an account, you can proceed with the application process by following the prompts and providing the appropriate information.

Please note that to be eligible to apply for the SASSA Grant, you must either be a citizen of South Africa, a permanent resident, or a refugee, with proof to show for it.

Different Categories Of Grants Provided By The SASSA

Before applying for a grant from the SASSA, it is important that you know the different categories of grants available and which one your situation fits into directly. Here is a list of the different types of grants SASSA provides:

SASSA Online Application
  • Care Dependency Grant
  • Grant-in-aid
  • Foster Child Grant
  • Disability Grant
  • Grant for Older Persons
  • War Veterans Grant
  • Child Support Grant
  • Social Relief of Distress

The requirements for each of these grant categories also differ, so before applying online or offline, it’s best that you keep all relevant documents handy to avoid being rejected or turned back.

Requirements For Applying For A Child Care Dependency Grant

The Child Care Dependency Grant is a social grant that is given strictly to parents, guardians, or caregivers of a child who is disabled to assist them in taking proper care of the child. Usually, beneficiaries of a child care dependency grant receive the sum of R1,860 every month per child. A lot of measures have been put in place in determining if the child in question is actually disabled before the grant is approved.

To qualify for this grant, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee
  • The applicant must be the parent, foster parent, or primary caregiver of the disabled child in question
  • Both the parent and the child must be living in South Africa
  • The child must be below 18 years
  • The child must be under a form of permanent care by an institution funded by the state
  • You and your spouse must undergo a Means Test (to ascertain your actual financial status and whether you really need the grant).
  • You must provide a medical report that confirms that the child is severely disabled.

Note that foster parents do not have to undergo the means test.

Documents You Need To Apply For The Child Care Dependency Grant

Applying for the child care dependency grant would require the applicant to visit a SASSA office because this grant is not in the category you can apply for online. This means that you would want to go to the SASSA office with all relevant documents to avoid coming back again for the same purpose as the agency will request certain documents to support your application. The documents you need to apply for a child care dependency grant include:

  • The birth certificate of the child or the South African ID of you and your spouse (if you are married)
  • If you and your spouse do not have an ID, then you will need to file an affidavit that will be provided for you by the SASSA
  • Sworn statement or affidavit that shows your actual income and that of your spouse
  • Any relevant document that validates your income statement
  • A medical report to confirm that the child is disabled and requires permanent care or support
  • Prove of relationship with your spouse –  this can include either of the following:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Divorce order
    • Spouse death certificate (in the case of a deceased spouse)
    • Sworn statement or an affidavit
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Applying for this grant is totally free and while you must have all the above-mentioned documents for the application, it is not compulsory that you go there yourself. If for any reason you cannot visit the office yourself, then a friend or any member of your family can go on your behalf with your documents.

The Requirements For Applying For A Disability Grant

SASSA Online Application
SASSA Online Application

Just like the Child Care Dependency grant, you cannot apply for a Disability grant online as of the time of this writing. You will have to visit a SASSA office if you want to apply for it. And although this may be stressful because of a disability, you should make sure you have all the documents required so you are not rejected or turned back. Here are the required qualifications for applying for the Disability grant:

  • You must provide a medical assessment that must not be older than three months
  • Applicants must be within the age of 18 to 59 years
  • You must be a South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee
  • A medical report that confirms the disability must be provided
  • You and your spouse (if married) must undergo a Means test
  • You must not receive or become a beneficiary of another social grant
  • You must not be taken care of by a state institution

Please note that for you to apply for this grant and become a beneficiary, you must be diagnosed and assessed by a medical practitioner who is approved and recognized by SASSA. The medical personnel will also report to SASSA stating whether or not your condition is medically severe enough for you to get the grant. However, SASSA makes the final decision.

Beneficiaries of this grant usually receive R1,860 per month. If your financial status improves or it is discovered that you provided false information, the grant may be discontinued.

Requirements You Need To Apply For A Foster Child Grant

The Foster Child grant is one of the few grant categories that are available for application online. Those who are currently taking care of a foster child and need some assistance can apply for a foster child grant online if they meet the following requirements:

  • A court order that confirms that the child has been placed in your legal foster care
  • The child must remain under your care
  • Both the foster parent and the child must be residents of South Africa
  • You must be a South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee

Documents You Must Provide To Apply For A Foster Child Grant

In case you have a foster child you are taking care of and you have met the above requirements, here is a list of documents that will be required of you while applying for the Foster Child grant:

  • The child’s birth certificate.
  • Identity document of you and your spouse (if married)
  • Proof of relationship with your spouse with any of these documents:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Divorce order
    • Spouse death certificate (in the case of a deceased spouse)
    • Sworn statement or an affidavit.

You can apply for this grant online by following the procedure above. Beneficiaries of this grant receive R1,040 per month.

Requirements For Applying For The Child Support Grant

SASSA Online Application
SASSA Online Application

Child Support grant is also one of the grants which can be applied through the online portal. But before you do so, be sure that you meet the following criteria:

  • The child and the applicant must reside in South Africa
  • You must be a South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee
  • It is important that the applicant is the primary health caregiver of the child or children
  • You and your spouse (for those who are married) must pass the Means test
  • The child or children must not be more than 18 years old
  • The child or children must not be cared for by any state institution

Both biological parents and caregivers are eligible to apply for this grant – if they meet the above-stated criteria. Those who are selected will receive R445 for each child per month.

Requirements You Need To Apply For Grants For Older Persons

The Grant for Older Persons is for the elderly – pensioners above the age of 60. This is the last category of SASSA grant available for application online – aside from the Child Support and Foster Child grants. To qualify for it, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a South African citizen, permanent resident, or refugee
  • Both yourself and your spouse must pass the Means test requirement
  • You must not receive care or maintenance from any institution funded by the state
  • You must not receive another social grant

Documents Required for Applying For SASSA Grant For Older Persons

  • You and your spouse must have your South African ID. If that is not available, an affidavit form will be provided by SASSA for you to complete.
  • Sworn affidavit that proves your income and any other documents that confirm it
  • Proof of income of dependent children
  • Proof of your relationship with your spouse with either of these documents:
    • Marriage certificate
    • Divorce order
    • Spouse death certificate (in the case of a deceased spouse).
    • Sworn statement or an affidavit.

People who qualify for this grant get R1,860 per month.

The Requirements For Applying For A War Veteran Grant

Those who have fought wars can receive grants to the tune of R1,880 every month if they meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must be someone who fought in Second World War or the Korean War
  • You must be residing in South Africa
  • You must be a permanent resident, refugee, or South African citizen
  • You must be 60 years old and above or have a disability
  • You must not be cared for by any state institution, like a rehabilitation home or prison
  • Applicants must not receive any other social grant
  • The applicant and his/her spouse must meet the Means test requirement

Applying for this grant requires a visit to the nearest SASSA office.

Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant – What Is It About And How Does One Apply For It?

SASSA Online Application
SASSA Online Application

The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant is different from the other categories of grants already listed above in the sense that it is classified as temporary assistance that lasts for only three months. All recipients of any of the above-mentioned SASSA grants are NOT allowed to apply for the Social Relief Grant. If they do and it is discovered, such a person will be mandated to make a refund to the government. Usually, individuals are not allowed to benefit from the Social Relief Grant two times in a row, however, applicants with extreme welfare cases may be considered for an extension of the three months validity period of the grant.

People who could qualify for the Social Relief of Distress Grant include the following:

  • The applicant could be someone who has been affected by a disaster – The Disaster Management Act or the FundRaising Act, 1978, clearly defines what a disaster that would necessitate consideration for the SRD grant is.
  • Families who have lost their breadwinners as a result of death.
  • Families whose breadwinner is currently admitted in any institution funded by the state (e.g hospital, prison, rehab, etc).
  • A person who is medically unfit to work for a space of six months.
  • Any individual that can’t get maintenance or support from parents, children, spouse, etc. Such a person must provide proof that efforts to get maintenance from the supposed benefactor have been abortive.
  • A person whose economic situation is severe and failure to receive assistance  – financial or otherwise – could result in extreme hardship.
  • The applicant must not be receiving support from a state-funded institution.

Note that Social Relief of Distress Grants may not be in the form of money in all provinces. In some areas, it may come in the form of a food parcel or voucher to buy food and in others, it may be actual cash.

Application for the SRD grant can also be done at any SASSA office, but be sure to go with all required documents which would include:

  • South African identification document or child’s birth certificate or a sworn affidavit.
  • Proof that you really need the grant.
  • Proof that you are married, single, or divorced.
  • A medical report confirming your disability.

You are not required to take all the above-mentioned documents, however, the documents you need will depend on your reason for applying for the grant.

How Do I Contact SASSA For Help?

Now that you have all the information regarding the different categories of SASSA grants available, you can go ahead and apply for it. However, if you need clarifications or want to make inquiries regarding any of these grants, then you can easily contact SASSA through any of the following channels:

  • Private bag: Private Bag X55662, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
  • Call: 0800601011 or 0124002322
  • Email: [email protected]

For a toll-free call, dial 0800 601 011 on your mobile phone. If you notice any fraudulent activity with regards to the SASSA Grant, kindly place a call to this toll-free line to help SASSA curb fraudulent activities.

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Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo's secret talent is taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary content. At work, he is thinking about how best to provide the most unique, original content that provides utmost satisfaction to the user. Away from work, he is a football addict who loves to catch up on his favorite pastimes


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