Differences Between DStv Compact and Compact Plus Package – Channels List and Prices

A lot of people always wonder if the difference between the DStv packages – Compact and Compact Plus – is just the price and nothing more. Well, the fact that the prices are different should outrightly tell you that the more expensive package which is Compact Plus should offer more entertainment to its subscribers. If you are trying to choose between DStv Compact Plus and Compact packages and want to know more about their differences and channels list, you are in the right company.

Aside from being more expensive than the Compact bouquet, DStv Compact Plus subscribers will also enjoy access to more channels which means more entertainment. However, just like it is with the lower/cheaper packages, the fact that Compact is cheaper than Compact Plus, and has fewer channels does not mean that subscribers will not get enough value for their money.

Compact Vs. Compact Plus – What You Need To Know About Their Differences

Compact Plus is the second most expensive bouquet on DStv in South Africa, and it is quickly followed by the Compact package. Just as their names imply, Compact Plus is an upgraded version of Compact, and subscribers to the package have access to more channels and also pay more.

Sports lovers will absolutely prefer subscribing to the Compact Plus bouquet because it contains more amazing sports channels where you can catch up with football games such as the English Premier League (EPL), Spanish La Liga, Italian Serie A, and most importantly, live UEFA Champions League matches. You can also watch FIFA and Olympic tournaments, and a host of other prominent sports events.

Also, Compact Plus has more movie channels than Compact. For instance the 1magic movie channel. Most South African telenovelas and reality shows like The Real Housewives of Johannesburg (RHOJ) can also be accessed on Compact Plus. All of these contribute to reasons why you should preferably go for Compact Plus.

Notable Differences Between DStv Compact and Compact Plus

Areas of focus Compact Compact Plus
Price R409 R539
Number of  channels 125 channels 142 channels
Number of movie and entertainment channels 40+ 45+
Sports channels 8+ 10+
Kids channels 10+ 13+

When it comes to news, music, and religious channels, the difference is not so obvious. In some instances, Compact Plus has just one or two channels more.

You may be wondering which of these packages is a better deal. Well, the answer to that question depends on your preference, but if you are not a sports person and if you are cool with the movie channels which Compact does not have, then Compact may be a better deal for you in terms of price.

What You Should Know About DStv Compact Package

DStv Compact and Compact Plus

DStv Compact is the 3rd most expensive package on DStv after Compact Plus. Subscribers who are not so interested in sports can consider paying for this package instead of Compact Plus which will cost you R539. The DStv Compact package costs R409 and has a validity period of 30 days.

All channels in the category of religion, foreign and specialist, free and audio channels on compact are the same as those on the Compact Plus bouquet.

Movies And Entertainment

Channel Number Channel Name
100 DStv
107 M-Net Movies 3
108 M-Net Movies 4
112 Studio Universal
114 KIX
115 M-Net City
116 Vuzu
117 Universal Channel
118 Telemundo
120 BBC Brit
124 E! Entertainment Television
125 FOX
127 Ginx eSports
129 BET
130 MTV
131 Lifetime
132 CBS Reality
133 TLNovelas
135 Discovery TLC Entertainment
136 Discovery Family
137 TNT Africa
138 eMovies
140 eMovies Extra
145 kykNET & Kie
152 Africa Magic Epic
154 AfricaMagic Family
155 Real Time
157 Moja Love
161 Mzansi Magic
163 Mzansi Wethu
164 Mzansi Bioskop
165 Novela Magic
166 ZEE World
167 Star Life
168 ROK
195 e.TV Extra
198 Annual Nigerian Festivals
507 Telemundo
515 TV Record

Documentary And Lifestyle Channels

Channel Name Channel Number
VIA 147
Discovery ID 171
Honey 173
BBC Lifestyle 174
Food Network 175
The Home Channel 176
HGTV 177
Travel Channel 179
People’s Weather 180
National Geographic 181
Nat Geo Wild 182
WildEarth 183
Ignition TV 189
Spice TV 190

Sports Channels

Channel Name Channel Number
SS PSL 202
SS Premier League 203
ESPN 218
TellyTrack 249

Kids And Teens

Channel Name Channel Number
Cartoon Network 301
Boomerang 302
Disney 306
NickTOONS 308
Disney Junior 309
JimJam 310
eToonz 311
PBS Kids 313
ZooMoo 314
Da Vinci 318
Mindset 319

Free Channels

Channel Name Channel Number
SABC 1 191
SABC 2 192
SABC 3 193
e.TV 194
Soweto TV 251
BAY TV 260
1 KZN 261
Tshwane TV 262
Cape Town TV 263
GauTV 265
Lesotho TV 292
NTA i 299
Mozambique Internacional 701


Channel Name Channel Number
KyKNet Nou 146
Channel O 320
Mzansi Music 321
MTV Base 322
TRACE Urban 325
TRACE Africa 326
Sound City 327
One Gospel 331
Trace Gospel 332

Religious Channels

Channel Name Channel Number
Dumisa 340
Day Star 342
TBN Africa 343
iTV Networks 347
Emmanuel TV 390

News And Commerce

Channel Name Channel Number
BBC World News 400
CNN International 401
eNews Channel Africa 403
SABC News 404
Newzroom Afrika 405
Al Jazeera 406
Russia Today 407
Parliamentary Service 408
CGTN News 409
CNBC Africa 410
Business Day TV 412
NDTV 24×7 413
Euronews 414
africanews 417
See also
7 Ways To Know You're In Love

Foreign And Specialist

Channel Name Channel Number
RAI Italia 430
Beste van Nederlands 431
RTPi 435
TV5 Monde Afrique 437
Deutsche Welle 446
CCTV 4 447

Audio Channels

Channel Name Channel Number
Adult Contemporary 751
Today’s Hits 752
Hot Traxx 753
70’s Hits 754
80’s Hits 755
Familiar Favourites 756
Soft Hits 757
Love Songs 758
Metro Blends 759
Cityscapes 760
Groove Lounge 761
House Party 762
Power Hits 763
Dance 764
Trots Afrikaans 765
Campus Rock 766
Alternate Rock 767
Hard Rock 768
Classic Rock 769
Golden Oldies 770
90’s Hits 771
Classic R & B 772
Urban Adult Contemporary 773
Urban Beat 774
Reggae 775
Modern Country 776
Traditional Country 777
Gospel 778
African Rhythm 779
Italian 780
Smooth Jazz 781
Classic Jazz 782
Blues 783
Beautiful Instrumentals 784
Contemporary Instrumental 785
New Age 786
Light Classical 787
Arias And Overtures 788
Chamber Music 789
Symphonic 790
Metro FM 801
Channel Africa 802
Good Hope 803
Ikwekwezi 804
5FM 805
Lesedi FM 806
Ligwalagwala 807
Lotus FM 808
Motsweding FM 809
Munghana Lonene FM 810
Phalaphala FM 811
Radio 2000 812
SAFM 814
Thobela FM 815
trufm 816
Ukhozi FM 817
Umhlobo Wenene FM 818
X-K FM 819
Groot FM 820
LM Radio 821
Hot 91.9 FM 822
Mix 93.8 FM 823
Channel 7 825
Radio Islam 826
BBC World Service English 850
BBC Afrique en Français 851
BBC African Languages 852
Voice Of America 853
World Radio Network 854
Trans World Radio 855
Talk Radio 702 856
Classic FM 857
Jacaranda FM 858
YFM 859
Chinese Radio International 860
Kaya FM 861
Channel Islam International 865
Radio France Internationale 866
Radio Wave 867
Radio Energy 868
1485AM Radio 869
Radio Veritas 870
Radio Vlaanderen internationaal 871
TransAfrica Radio 872
Link FM 875
Radio Kosmos 876
Jozi FM 878
94.7 Highveld Stereo 879
94.5 Kfm 880
Radio Pulpit 882
NNR 883
Capricorn FM 884
Cape Talk 885
Pretoria FM 887
Radio Pretoria 887
Ubuntu Radio 888
Power FM 889

What You Need To Know About Compact Plus

DStv Compact and Compact Plus

Compact Plus is one of the most expensive DStv packages and it contains 142 channels. Subscribers to this package will pay a monthly subscription fee of R539, which is valid for 30 days. After 30 days, failure to renew your package subscription will result in disconnection which attracts a reconnection fee.

With Compact Plus, you will never have to think of what the next interesting show or movie to watch on DStv will be, as the entertainment is endless. If you cannot afford the DStv Premium bouquet, DStv Compact Plus will be an amazing alternative.

Note that all the channels in the category of religion, foreign and specialist, free and audio channels on Compact are the same as those on the Compact Plus bouquet. However, a few more have been added in different categories to give you your money’s worth.

Movies And Entertainment

Channel Number Channel Name
100 DStv
103 1Magic
107 M-Net Movies 3
108 M-Net Movies 4
122 Studio Universal
114 KIX
115 M-Net City
116 Vuzu
117 Universal Channel
118 Telemundo
120 BBC Brit
122 Comedy Central
123 Timeless Dizi
124 E! Entertainment Television
125 FOX
127 Ginx eSports
129 BET
130 MTV
131 Lifetime
132 CBS Reality
133 TLNovelas
135 Discovery TLC Entertainment
136 Discovery Family
137 TNT Africa
138 eMovies
140 eMovies Extra
144 kykNET
145 kykNET & Kie
152 Africa Magic Epic
153 AfricaMagic Urban Movies
154 AfricaMagic Family
155 Real Time
157 Moja Love
161 Mzansi Magic
163 Mzansi Wethu
164 Mzansi Bioskop
165 Novela Magic
166 ZEE World
167 Star Life
168 ROK
195 e.TV Extra
198 Annual Nigerian Festivals
507 Telemundo
515 TV Record

Documentary And Lifestyle Channels

Channel Name Channel Number
VIA 147
CBS Justice 170
Discovery ID 171
Honey 173
BBC Lifestyle 174
Food Network 175
The Home Channel 176
HGTV 177
Travel Channel 179
People’s Weather 180
National Geographic 181
Nat Geo Wild 182
WildEarth 183
BBC Earth 184
Curiosity Channel 185
The History Channel 186
Ignition TV 189
Spice TV 190

Sports Channels

Channel Name Channel Number
SS PSL 202
SS Premier League 203
ESPN 218
ESPN 2 219
WWE Channel 236
TellyTrack 249

Kids And Teens

Channel Name Channel Number
Cartoon Network 301
Boomerang 302
Disney 306
Nickelodeon 305
Cbeebies 306
Nick Jr 307
NickTOONS 308
Disney Junior 309
JimJam 310
eToonz 311
PBS Kids 313
ZooMoo 314
Da Vinci 318
Mindset 319


Channel Name Channel Number
KyKNet Nou 146
Channel O 320
Mzansi Music 321
MTV Base 322
MTV Music 24 323
TRACE Urban 325
TRACE Africa 326
Sound City 327
One Gospel 331
Trace Gospel 332

News And Commerce

Channel Name Channel Number
BBC World News 400
CNN International 401
Sky News 402
eNews Channel Africa 403
SABC News 404
Newzroom Afrika 405
Al Jazeera 406
Russia Today 407
Parliamentary Service 408
CGTN News 409
CNBC Africa 410
Business Day TV 412
NDTV 24×7 413
Euronews 414
africanews 417
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Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo Ndlovu
Romeo's secret talent is taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary content. At work, he is thinking about how best to provide the most unique, original content that provides utmost satisfaction to the user. Away from work, he is a football addict who loves to catch up on his favorite pastimes


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