South Africa has been and still is one of the most important cities in the world. With some of the most advanced and most profitable industries and with one of the busiest ports in the worlds, South Africa never seems to amaze people. But with advancement comes an accompanied hazard, in the form of social relationships- dating. While South African men may have conquered the world of trade, dating is one field they are yet to master. Even with hundreds and thousands of websites, self-help books, dating gurus who are willing to dish out few dating tips for free, for many the world of dating seems to be like a never-ending mirage. Keeping these thoughts in mind, we did some research of our own to help out the average South African man, to have a fighting chance by coming up with 10 most useful real-world dating tips.
Dating Tips For South African Men
1. The Ask Out
Before starting our expedition on dating tips, you should remember that it all starts with the ask out. Most men are confident when it comes to sports and work, but when it comes to women, they are no better than Charlie Chaplin in one of his movies. Asking a woman out is an art and only a few have mastered it. Many men make the mistake of coming on too strong as they cross over the fine line of flirting and just downright making a sexual pass. Asking out should be done in a smooth and friendly manner, making a woman laugh by cracking a few jokes is a nice way, that will make her comfortable and set up a good platform to ask her out. The biggest advantage of being friendly and funny is that in case she rejects you will at least be able to save face.
2. Keep Work Out
One of the biggest mistakes that most men from South Africa make is to talk about work. Women are not interested as to how hard you work or how badly you need to slog at the workplace. They are only interested in men who can keep them happy and interested, and for this reason, it is very important not to talk about work on a date.
3. Put the Cell Phone Away
Possibly one of the most basic dating tips that every man should remember is that every woman dislikes her man using his cell phone extensively when they are together, thereby giving her less attention. When you are out of work, the main focus should always be on the woman and not on your work calls. Women love getting attention and phone calls and messages can be a major turn off for any woman who is interested in you.
4. Location Matters
Even though few men can make some of the most boring places seem like a haven, most men can’t. Which is why it is very important to choose your location for a first date wisely. This is one of the most common dating tips that everyone offers, but they fail to specify what exactly to look for. Always go for a place that will make you feel like love is in the air, only when you feel the romantic ambience, will you be able to set up a good stage for a first date.
See Also: How To Turn A Girl On
5. Talk Sense
The most important thing about any date is the conversation which many seem to goof up. Do not ask her about her hobbies or interests, this gives women the feeling that you’re taking an interview rather than trying to spend some romantic time together with them. The best way to start a conversation is to start talking about some silly or goofy experience you had in your life, this little touch of humour and plain goofiness not only relaxes the women, but it also takes you down from the list of potential sexual predators.
6. Bon Appetite
Perhaps one of the crucial dating tips that many miss out is about the food that you eat. You can be as hungry as a lion, but you should always offer the woman to order first and base your order accordingly. One mistake that many men make is to dive into making an order first, this makes the woman feel unequal and can be a major turn off. Also order to balance out your date’s order or as per your date’s choice which can give her a good sense of mannerism, as you can save the gluttony for a later time.
7. Keep Talking
Something that many men fail to realize is the fact that women hate men who talk too much. It is very important to be a good listener as listening to your dates words, may just end up leading the way to her heart. If your date is feeling uncomfortable to talk, or taking time to open up, then start talking about small things or use the cliched conversation openers to open her up.
8. After Effect
So your dinner is over, your conversation is going well, what next? You can’t sit in a restaurant forever, and it is times like this that demand a good old fashioned walk. South Africa is filled with beautiful sights and sounds, which is why it is a good option to choose a restaurant in a safe and beautiful neighbourhood, where you can take one of the most romantic walks to add on to your evening.
9. Fly Me Home
If you have had one of the best dates in your life and expecting to score by the end of the night, then forget it. Most relationships that start with sex always end in disasters. Try not to get too physical on the first date and if possible be as platonic as possible. This makes the women feel safe and sets the best stage for the final chapter in our book of dating tips.
See Also: 10 Reasons Why You Must Date An African Man
10. Keep Them Asking
The most important rule in the world of dating tips is to always keep her asking for more, it is very crucial to remember that relationships that start with a less physical contact end up lasting longer than relationships that start with sex. Don’t focus on how to get into her pants, but always keep your main focus on how to come close, without much physical contact, that will make her feel like your about to kiss her. Always go 80% of the way and allow them to make the rest 20%, this way it won’t be too imposing on the woman and you will find out how interested she is. This is also the best way to keep her asking for more.