Contact Details For ABSA Customer Care and the Departments They Are For

The ABSA Customer care department had improved significantly since 2019 when it was voted to be below average in terms of customer satisfaction. The bank has, like many others, provided various avenues through which customers and intending customers could get their issues sorted out or even make inquiries or certain demands.

First established in 1991, ABSA has grown into becoming the biggest bank in South Africa with a customer base of over 9.7 million as of 2020, even though it has fewer branches and employees than Standard Bank. It has seen the consistent growth of customers through the years thanks to its numerous services. However, because of the challenges that come with a huge customer base, there are always many needs of customers to attend to via the bank’s customer care department to cover things like requests, complaints, loan services, inquiries, and much more.

ABSA Has A General Customer Care Unit

ABSA Customer Care
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Just as it is with all other banks in South Africa, the ABSA customer care unit is designed to take care of the general needs of customers no matter what one issue may be. When you contact the general unit, you may be referred to the specific unit to handle such matters.

The general unit may also take whatever issue, complaint, or request that you have and channel it to the appropriate desk on your behalf, and such unit may contact you when your issue is resolved or if there may be a need for further queries.

ABSA customer care can be contacted by simply visiting the branch nearest to you and heading for the department. You can contact the bank by using the phone number or the relevant email address for more convenience. Other avenues the bank has created include chatting with a customer rep on the site or using the various social media handles of the bank.

Here are the three main ways that you can contact the ABSA customer care unit: 

  • Any physical ABSA location or bench nearest to you
  • Phone number: 0115015050 or 08001111 55
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Social media handles: ABSA has different social media handles one can contact, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

There Is Also A Different ABSA Customer Care Contact For Various Needs

ABSA has established various customer unit avenues to have various problems or issues handled, depending on what you may need from the bank. It is important to note that all your demands can be sorted out via

ABSA Home Loans Contact Number

If you have a problem that is relating to home loans, you can easily contact the bank by calling the customer care hotline for home loans, or you can send a mail to the department using the details below:

Personal Loan Contact Number

If you are having issues or you need to inquire into any matter that relates to personal loan services, you may get information regarding this service on the bank’s website. However, if there is a need to contact the bank, you can as well do that by either calling the contact number of the bank or send a mail to the department using these details:

Note that you can also make a request by dropping your number on the department’s page and request for them to call you back via this link.

ABSA Credit Card Contact Details – This Is Where You Can Complain About a Stolen Absa Card

ABSA Customer Care
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On matters relating to your credit card, be it requesting for a new PIN, lost card, setting card limit, or other things in the same line, the process of contacting the ABSA customer care unit is not different as you may decide to visit any branch of the bank nearest to you at your convenience, or call the relevant department using the following details:

  • Contact number: 0861 462 273
  • International: +2711 501 5006
  • Email the bank at: [email protected]

ABSA Customer Care Unit For Vehicle Finance 

The bank has made it possible for customers to partner with getting cars or funding various businesses. If you are already a part of this or you need to inquire, make a request, or anything that has to do with vehicle financing, you may decide to contact the ABSA customer care department by using any of the following:

  • Call: 0860 669 669 or
  • Contact phone number: 0861 00 11 55

ABSA Internet Banking Contact

If you are interested in Internet banking with ABSA, the bank may not be ranked the best when compared to several other banks in the country, but at the same time, it has so much to offer in that regard. If you are having any challenge or need to make any inquiry in this department, you can contact the customer care via the following:

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There is also nothing that stops you from contacting the bank via other online means, including their social media pages.

ABSA Life Contact Details

For issues regarding the life policy offered by the bank, which is known as ABSA Life, one can access all important information, including the remuneration of the policy, on the bank’s website. However, if there is a need to contact the customer care unit, that can be done via the following:

ABSA Insurance Contact Details

If you need the bank to assist you with your Insurance needs whether, for your house, car, or even both house and car, you can either place a call or send an email to the ABSA customer care unit for insurance using these details:

ABSA Head Office Contact Details

If you may prefer to contact the head office of the bank for any special purpose, that can, as well, be done through the different means indicated above, including via calls, email, the traditional mail system, or vising the location, among other means.

Here are all the needed contact details of the bank:

  • Physical Address: 7th Floor, Absa Towers West, 15 Troye Street, Johannesburg
  • Traditional mailbox: PO Box 7735, Johannesburg, 2000
  • Phone number: +27 (0) 11 350 4000
  • Website:

The Bank App May Be An Easier Way Of Contacting ABSA Customer Care Unit

All the above areas through which one can contact the bank’s customer care unit are easy and convenient. However, an easier way may be through the ABSA bank app, making it easy to contact the customer unit, carry out some financial transactions, manage your account, track and limit spending, and do many other activities.

The app is easy to download and install on one’s device. For Andriod users, it can be gotten and downloaded on Googe Play Store, while for iOS, it is available for free download on the Apple App Store. With the app, you can go to the menu, look for the specific thing you want, whether it relates to credit cards, loans, or anything else. From there, you can manage what you want, contact customer care to make any demands, inquiries, or lay your complaints.

This, however, does not stand to suggest that all the other means through which the customer care unit can be contacted will pose any challenge to you. If you prefer to find a location near you and visit a branch, you can do that by searching for your area on the ABSA website.

Facebook and WhatsApp Chats Are Also Effective And Fast

ABSA’s ChatBanking is an important innovation that makes it easy for customers and intending customers to chat with the bank while banking. Through this means, you will be able to get not only your banking sorted, but you can also use your Facebook and Whatsapp to check your bank balance, pay bills, and buy airtime and data. You can also make use of the service to pay beneficiaries.

Unlike all others, there are different ways to do this for both Whatsapp and Facebook:

Steps For ABSA Banking on WhatsApp

  1. The first thing to do is to add Absa as a contact on your device using this number 08600 08600.
  2. Next, launch your WhatsApp and search for your new contact for the number you just added.
  3. Text “Hi,” and the ABSA customer care will take it from there.

Steps For ABSA Banking on Facebook

  1. For this, you will need to make use of your Absa Online Banking.
  2. To do this, go to the ABSA online platform and then click on Settings from the Express tab.
  3. Now, add your profile.
  4. Log in to Facebook and send a direct message to @AbsaChatBanking
  5. Once your message is sent, the bank will get back to you.
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Tim van der Walt
Tim van der Walt
Tim is another of our talented writers, the one who plays music on replay, drinks more coffee than beer, plays video games, and reads poetry. In between, Tim reviews products, write about computers, games, and talk tech and arts. If there is a WIII, he thinks it could be caused by bad writing.


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