Vodacom is one of the biggest network providers in South Africa and currently operates in up to 30 African countries. As the years go by, the number of people using smartphones keeps increasing. This situation only means one thing for network providers – more business. This is because an increase in smartphone usage also means an uptick in the demand for mobile data. Therefore, telecommunication giants, such as Vodacom have come to the fore with active data deals and bundles.
The network providing company understands that as fuel is to a vehicle, so is data to a smartphone. They also understand that there are different classes of users with diverse needs and budgets, as such, Vodacom has made data affordable for subscribers. They have cheap packages for light users on a low budget for data, and there are more expensive rates for heavy data users who depend on the internet for a variety of things. This way, customers have a wide range of data deals and bundles to choose from.
Vodacom Data Deals and Their Prices
Vodacom data bundles are internet plans that Vodacom users can purchase to surf the internet. They come in different quantities and prices to suit the need of different users. While some have an hourly, weekly, or monthly expiration date, some others can only be used at night. Overall, the network has data bundles that can be used at any time of the day. To identify the data bundle best suited for your needs, here is a list of Vodacom data seals and how much they will cost you.
Hourly Data Bundle
As the name implies, the Vodacom hourly data bundle is a data plan that has a duration of just one hour. The data deals in this bundle are cheap and most suitable for users who do not surf the net regularly or those who don’t need so much data at a particular time. In the case of an emergency and you just need to buy a little data immediately, the hourly bundle may not be a bad choice.
It would be best to purchase any data plan in this bundle when you are sure you can use up the data within an hour. This bundle has two data deals which include:
- R5 for 500MB
- R12 for 1GB
Daily Bundles
This data bundle is also best for those who do not use data everyday and just need something to access the internet for a day, this bundle expires by 12 midnight on the same day you purchase it. The data offers in this bundle include:
- Data: 20MB – Price: R5
- Data: 60MB – Price: R9
- Data: 100MB – Price: R15
- Data: 250MB – Price: R27
- Data: 1GB – Price: R29
The data deals in this bundle are cheap and very affordable, but to have better value for your money, you have to ensure that you use up the data before 12 midnight, or else it may be a waste.
Night Owl Daily Bundle
As you can already tell from the name, this daily data bundle can only be used at night as it expires by the next morning; so, if you are a night owl, this data bundle is best for you. The offers in this bundle are cheap and the deals here include:
- 50MB for R4
- 100MB for R7
- 250MB for R14
The data deals in this bundle are once-off, and can be used from 12 am to 5 am only. So, just in case you can’t be awake within that time frame, kindly avoid this data bundle.
Weekly Data Bundle
From the day you purchase the weekly data bundle, it has a duration of 7 days. It is also best for light data users who do not need much data to burn. To get the best value for your money, you will have to finish the data before its 7 days expiration period. The deals in this category include:
- 2GB at the cost of R120
- 1GB at the cost of R80
- 500MB at the cost of R60
- 250MB at the cost of R35
- 100MB at the cost of R17
The offers above can be used at any time of the day, nevertheless, Vodacom also has weekly bundles that can only be used at night – from 12 am to 5 am which include:
- 100MB for R29
- 1GB for R49
If you don’t stay up late at night, it would be best for you to go for the weekly bundles that can be used any time of the day.
Once-off Data Bundles For Your Prepaid Smartphone
The data deals in this category have a duration of 30 days and low bundle rates. The bundle has different offers – for those who do not use too much data in a month and the average data users. If you fall into the category of those who do not exhaust their weekly data bundle, then you should absolutely consider the data offers on this category which are:
- 20GB at R699
- 10GB at R469
- 5GB at R349
- 3GB at R229
- 2GB at R159
- 1GB at R85
- 500MB at R69
- 350MB at R49
- 200MB at R29
- 50MB at R12
The offers in this category are cheap, affordable, and suitable for users who have a low budget for monthly data.
Monthly Data Bundle
This data bundle is similar to the once-off data bundle for prepaid smartphones. It has a duration of 30 days with offers that are suitable for both light and moderate data users. The Vodacom data deals in this bundle include:
- 100GB at R2399
- 50GB at R1499
- 24GB at R699
- 12GB at R469
- 6GB at R349
- 3.6GB at R229
- 1.2GB at R85
- 600MB at R69
- 420MB at R49
- 240MB at R29
Pay Once Up-front and Internet Starter Pack Data Bundle
This data bundle saves Vodacom users the stress of purchasing data every week or month. With this bundle, you can pay upfront for data that would last up to 3, 6, and 12 months, depending on the deal you subscribe to. The offers in this bundle can be used by both light and moderate data users. They include:
1. 150MB: This offer has a duration of three months. At a cost of R29, users can only use 50MB per month, at the end of 3 months you would exhaust the 150MB. It is best for very light data users.
2. 600MB: The 600MB data deal in this bundle costs R119 and has a duration of 6 months. Users can make use of only 100MB every month. It is most suitable for very light data users.
3. 1500MB: This offer is also best for moderate users. It goes for R219 and has a duration of 6 months. Those who subscribe to this offer will have a monthly allocation of 250MB.
4. 3000MB: Going for R219, subscribers will enjoy a monthly allocation of 500MB for six months. Light data users will absolutely enjoy this offer.
5. 12288MB: This data deal costs R899. It has a duration of 12 months and a monthly allocation of 1GB. Moderate data users can consider this data offer.
6. 24576MB: This offer has a duration of 12 months for the price of R1399 and has a monthly allocation of 2GB. It is also suitable for moderate data users.
7. 61440MB: At a price of R3499 and for a duration of 12 months, users can have a monthly allocation of 5GB with this data deal.
8. 122880MB: This is the most expensive data deal in this category. It costs R5999 with a monthly allocation of 10GB. It also has a duration of 12 months.
Internet Starter Pack
The offers in this bundle have a duration of 12 months. It is best for very light data users and they can choose between the SIM-only deal or Starter Pack deals. The offers are:
- 1200MB: This is a SIM-only deal that costs R149 and has a 100MB monthly allocation.
- 1200MB: This offer costs R299 and also has a monthly allocation of 100MB but it includes a modem as part of the package.
- 2400MB: At the cost of R399, users get an allocation of 200MB every month. This offer is also a starter pack deal and includes a modem.
Vodacom Does Not Have Unlimited Data Bundles
As of the time of writing this post, Vodacom South Africa does not offer unlimited data bundles. If you are a heavy data user, you should perhaps consider applying for a Vodacom Fibre deal. To do that, check if the Vodacom Fibre network covers your area and then chose a deal that suits you.
How To Redeem Your Vodacom Free Data
10 Vodacom users have the chance of winning 100GB worth of data everyday. To join the draw and stand a chance of winning, here is what to do:
- Download the Vodacom app from Google Play Store (for Android users) or App Store (for iPhone users).
- Install the app and register your number.
- Join the draw to stand the chance of winning 100GB worth of data.
How Do I Transfer Vodacom Data?
Vodacom users can also transfer data to their friends and family and the process is very easy. Here is how to go about it:
- Open your phone dialer
- Dial *135#
- Select ‘Buy bundles and services’
- Choose ‘Data bundles’.
- Select ‘For another number’.
- Input the recipient’s Vodacom number.
- Choose the data bundle to transfer.
You can only transfer Vodacom data to other Vodacom users. So, if your recipient is not a Vodacom user, you can just send the person the money to purchase the data plan from their network provider. You can share Vodacom data with up to six people – a service referred to as Vodacom Family Sharing – and it is done via the Vodacom website. With this service, you can share up to 20GB of Vodacom data with loved ones. The least you can transfer with this service is 100MB. The duration or expiration date of the shared data will be the same as that of the sender.
How Do I Buy Data On The Vodacom Network?
There are several methods to purchase data on Vodacom, users can choose from any of the following methods:
- Use of USSD code: All you need to do is ensure that you have sufficient airtime on your phone. Dial *135# and select a data bundle.
- Via SMS: Send a message containing the bundle you will like to buy to 136. The money equivalent will be deducted from your airtime balance.
- Through the Mobile App: Download the app, tap on ‘Buy’. Select the bundle you wish to buy and pay through your debit/credit card.
- Via Vodacom Website: You can also purchase data through the Vodacom website. All you need to do is create a profile and navigate through the site to purchase data.
To Check Your Vodacom Data Balance
There are also several methods of checking your data balance in Vodacom, these methods include:
- Use of USSD code: Dial *135# and follow the prompts to check your data balance.
- Through the Mobile App: Download the app, log in to the app and you will have access to your data balance.
- Via Vodacom Website: You can also purchase data through the Vodacom website. To do this; create a profile and navigate through the site to see your data balance.
- Sign in for Email Notification: Send DNES ON and add your email address as SMS to 123 and you will be sent daily SMS of your balance.
How To Get Cheap Data On Vodacom
There are a variety of cheap data bundles available for Vodacom users that have already been discussed in this post. You can also visit the Vodacom website or download the Vodacom app to see a wide range of cheap data bundles that you can purchase. There are also several hacks you can use to minimize your data usage. These hacks include:
- Setting a data limit in your smartphone.
- Reducing your YouTube and Netflix streaming quality.
- Setting a reminder on YouTube to track the number of hours you spend on the app.
- Optimized data usage by simply altering the settings on your data storage app.
It is the desire of every smartphone user to get cheap data offers that can last for a long time. By applying these simple hacks, you can use less data for a longer period of time.